par janua | Mar 29, 2017 | Communauté, Gestion des Identités
How to deploy windows 2012 AD on virtualbox for test purposes with a 180 days evaluation licence. 1) Download W2012 Download vhd_server_serverdatacentereval_en-us.exe It provides a 180 days evaluation windows 2012 installation URL:...
par janua | Nov 28, 2016 | Gestion des Identités, LDAP, Open Source, Sécurité
AD Ldap password synchronization using OpenIDM as a black box : OpenIDM provides 2 password synchronization plugins (AD and OpenDJ) which allows to synchronize passwords between the source (AD or OpenDJ) and OpenIDM. Each of this plugin intercept the password update...
par janua | Jan 6, 2015 | Communauté, Developpement, LDAP, Open Source, Produit
OpenLDAP Password Policy Module: the password policy overlay in OpenLDAP provides the option for calling an external module to check the passwords complexity requirements. We modified this custom module in order to implement Active Directory compatibility. This open...
par janua | Jan 5, 2015 | Gestion des Identités, LDAP, Provisioning
How to trace and debug LDAP connections against Active Directory ? Used to operate traditionnal directory servers (OpenDJ, OpenLDAP, DSEE,…) and its tools, Janua’s consultants are a little frustated when working on identity management projects involving...