Redhat SSO Keycloak support and expertise

Janua offers comprehensive Redhat SSO Keycloak support and expertise. Janua’s senior consultants  combine expertise and experience in the deployement of successful large OpenSource identity management projects.

Redhat SSO and Keycloak are the only “all-in-one” open source access management solution providing the most comprehensive consumer-facing identity management services, as well as traditional access management capabilities. Designed from inception to provide services for the web, cloud, mobile devices and things, Redhat SSO and Keycloak have a highly scalable, modular, easy to deploy architecture that includes Authentication, SSO, Authorization, Federation, Entitlements, Adaptive Authentication, Strong Authentication and Web Services Security – in a single, unified product.


SSO and federation tools have become critical infrastructure bricks and as such deserve quality support.

Janua proposes a comprehensive support package that provides an essential complement to a Redhat contract. Our support package is flexible, open and scalable, and is comprised of the following services:

  • On-site audit
  • Architecture Workshop : designed to determine customer requirements and use cases in order to select the relevant platform and scope how to best deploy it. Results in a high-level architecture proposal, including functional and non-functional requirements, that is suitable for deployment.
  • POC
  • Support (on site or remote) provided through all phases of your project development: (at build time, integration, move to production, day to day administration, monitoring).
  • Technical assistance (On site or remote) provided post implementation: (when moving into production, writing procedures, scripting installations, disaster recovery, high availability
  • Operational maintenance: identify potential bugs, and handle the reporting, monitoring and troubleshooting of these anomalies in community mailing lists, installing software patches, perform upgrades to new software versions, conduct technology watch for new developments.
  • Training for your administrators and developers team, skills transfer.

This support offering is flexible to better suit your needs at a reasonable cost, and is available in the form of support tickets, with no minimum order and no expiration date.

Please contact us so that we can determine with you the best solution to meet your challenges.